Bethel Music

Bethel Music Songwriting Practicum exists to gather, inspire, and encourage the Church toward deeper intimacy with the Father by identifying, collecting, and equipping songwriters from around the world who are gifted and called to write specifically for the body of Christ.


Through world-class teaching, hands-on experience, and exclusive access to Bethel Music artists and industry professionals, you will have the opportunity to hone your skills and grow to higher standards of excellence in your craft.

This event is designed specifically for those of you who are actively writing for your church congregations and are ready to take your songwriting to the next level.


Day Event


Hand Selected Participants


Bethel Music Artists


Industry Songwriters

What to Expect at Here & Now

01 Workshops

MasterClass-style teaching that gives you a top-tier perspective from a professional on a variety of topics based on that teacher’s area of expertise.

02 Pro-Writes

During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to co-write with a professional who will mentor and coach you on best practices in real time.

03 Peer-Writes

During these sessions, you will write with other attendees, allowing you to build lasting community as you learn from one another.

04 Writers’ Round

The Writers’ Round provides a Nashville approach to sharing the “story behind the song”, allowing handpicked pro-writers to showcase some of their most impactful songs in our genre.

05 Song Critique Panel

This segment allows you to see into the thought process of Christian music publishers as they hear songs for the first time and provide a real-time critique.*The songs will be submitted by attendees after registration and chosen for critique at a later date.

06 Breakouts

Focused sessions tailored to more in-depth perspectives from professionals in their field. Topics will be determined per event based on input from attendees via a pre-event survey.

07 Song Share

A fun opportunity to perform and celebrate some of the songs that were written throughout the course of the event.

08 One-on-Ones

A devoted time for each attendee to sit one-on-one with high-level influencers for 20 minutes. This could look like Q&A, a chance to play an original song for professional ears, or just personal ministry from the leader.

Roster of Songwriters and Teachers

Nashville, TN

We chose the Nashville area for our event for several reasons. First, it is more centrally located for anyone in the US to be able to get to easily. It is also a region saturated with the most influential writers, producers, and industry professionals in the nation. Known for its expertise in music and medicine, Nashville also has some of the most gorgeous landscapes in America. It only makes sense to be surrounded by its beauty while learning and practicing so creative a craft as songwriting!

Application Process & Requirements

2022 Applications The Bethel Music Songwriting Practicum is an application-based event to ensure that every attendee is the perfect fit for each event. The application process consists of a questionnaire and uploading 2 songs you have written. These don’t have to be fully produced songs. They can be as simple as a voice memo from your phone.Application Fee: $50*Registration Fee: $1200Applications close January 28, 2022.
Included in the $1,200 registration fee: Event materials
Food, snacks, and drinks
Exclusive access to songwriters, teachers, and industry professionals
Venue fee
Not included in registration fee: Travel
Anything purchased from the onsite coffeehouse

* The $50 application fee is non-refundable and will be credited to the registration fee for applications who are accepted.