Verse 1
I get caught up
In all these petty things
Losing sight of what matters to You
But then You come
And take me by the hand
You say, "Come up here with me"
And then my feet came off the ground
You lifted me above the clouds
As I look down the whole world seems so small
Past the stars through space and time
And I forget what's left behind
As I'm surrounded by these grander things
Up here in perfect harmony
You're orchestrating galaxies
They're lighting up as fas as I can see
The majesty
The mystery
Verse 2
Your gravity
Pulls me close to You
And I can breathe again
Here with You
There's nothing more to say
And it's clear what matters to You
High above it all
Sovereign You are
I can rest
'Cause it's all in Your hands
Sovereign You are

Gravity (Instrumental)
Bethel Music
Song Details
CCLI# 7072274
Written by Jenn Johnson, Seth Mosley
© 2016 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / CentricSongs/These Tunes Go To 11 (SESAC) (admin. by Music Services). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.