Verse 1
I will not forget the cross
The pain that you endured for us
Where you carried brokenness and shame
Never to forget the day
Your love broke through to make a way
For hope to rise within my heart again
All for love
My Jesus you gave all for love
I am standing in the wonder of
Your great love
Verse 2
Overwhelming sacrifice
You freely paid the highest price
Suffering you traded blood for me
My heart will sing the deepest praise
My lips rejoice my hands will raise
For the death that brought me into life
What would I have done if it wasn't for your love
The love that tore the veil inside my heart
What would I have become if you never gave your son
And if he never shed his blood on the cross

What Would I Have Done
Bethel Music, Brian Johnson, Jenn Johnson
Song Details
CCLI# 5688955
Written by Brian Johnson, Christa Black Gifford, Tim Hughes
© 2009 ChristaJoy Music Publishing (Admin. by Bethel Music Publishing) Thankyou Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) Bethel Music Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.