Each thread inside my tapestry
Was made by You and meant for me
You wove me with Your hands
You create, You orchestrate
If life’s a picture, You’re the frame
You are God, You’re the great I Am
You go in the wild with me
You are the lantern for each step I take
And I know I don’t have to be afraid
You never let go
‘Cause You love me so relentlessly
Never gonna stop coming after my heart
Never ever gonna stop coming after my heart
Your love is endless
Your love is for me
Pull me in closer
To Your heartbeat
Your love is endless
Your love is for me
Pull me in closer

Never Gonna Stop
Bright Ones, Sydney Allen
Song Details
CCLI# 7104696
Written by Rick Seibold, Melody Noel Hernandez, Whitney Medina
© 2017 Mighty Maverick Music (BMI) (admin by Bethel Worship Publishing) / Influence Music Official (ASCAP) / Whitney Medina Music (ASCAP) / Works By Influence Official (BMI) / Mel Noel Publishing (BMI) (adm. at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.