They said drive a nice car
And you'll feel better
Get that house in your name
Choose the lights and the fame
I'm supposed to feel better, right
I don't feel better
They said boy chase the bag (chase the bag boy)
And you'll be happy
Who cares about your family
Leave it all behind
That bag ain't no Louis, nah
And I'm still not happy
Well, I guess
We all need You, we all need You (yeah, yeah, You, You)
What can I do, what can I do
If I don't have You
They disguised themselves as You
I mean there's so many substitutes
It’d be hard just to get away
I'm tryna get away
But it's my decision to make (it’s my decision to make)
I'm so tired of being stuck in the middle
Give me room so I can move just a little
Skeletons in my closet building up
And it's starting to be way too much
They say it's good when a man falls low
Take the world and give me back my soul
I'm on my knees, look I'm down low
Take the world and give me back my soul
It’s so easy, it's so easy to do
It's the trick of the trade
And they don't want you to know it
It's the trick of the trade
And I want you to know it
(It’s the trick of the trade, trade, trade)
It’s so easy, it's so easy (it’s so easy, easy)
We all need You
Oh, what can I do
If I don't have You, You, You
Have You

Dante Bowe
Song Details
CCLI# 7172533
Written by Dante Bowe, Jeff Schneeweis
© 2020 Bethel Worship Publishing (BMI) / Maverick City Publishing (BMI) (admin by Heritage Worship Music Publishing) / Heritage Worship Publishing (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.