Guardian and keeper of my soul
Laid to rest to make for us a home
Blameless Son and perfect cornerstone
All my sin Your sacred gift atoned
Oh the precious blood of Christ
How it held me through the night
Oh it brought me back to life
I am alive by the precious blood of Christ
Love has paid to make me whole again
My emptiness is filled with heaven’s breath
And that same power that raised You from the dead
That Spirit is alive inside my chest
Oh the precious blood of Christ
How it held me through the night
Oh it brought me back to life
I am alive by the precious blood of Christ
Oh I am alive by the precious blood of Christ
And I’m alive, I’m alive to sing it
Oh I’m alive, I’m alive to bring You praise
You stepped in and took my shame
Now I’m new in every way
By the precious blood of Christ
Oh I’m alive, I’m alive to sing it
Oh I’m alive, I’m alive to bring You praise
You stepped in and took my shame
Now I’m new in every way
By the precious blood of Christ
Oh the precious blood of Christ
How it held me through the night
Oh it brought me back to life
I am alive by the precious blood of Christ

Precious Blood
Bethel Music, Hannah McClure
Music Video
Song Details
CCLI# 7211373
Written by Hannah McClure, Paul McClure, Amanda Lindsey Cook, John-Paul Gentile
© 2021 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / All Essential Music (ASCAP) / Maison Publishing (ASCAP) (admin at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.