I don’t wanna be on my phone but I can’t be alone
Welcome to the modern way
Trying to be somebody I’m not but it’s not what I want
Tell me there’s another way
All the lights I chase now are faded
All the cheap thrills were only time wasted
Tell me why society’s plan should define who I am
Surely there’s a higher way
All of my best friends are sick of pretending
We want the truth
So much is missing so give us the real thing
I know it’s You, I know it’s You
I don’t want a stereotype to decide who I am
I never knew me anyway
Over tryin’ to find the next hype cause the high never lasts
So I’mma go the other way
All the lights I chase now are faded
Dylan was right the times they are changing
Tell me why society’s plan should define who I am
Surely there’s a higher way

Best Friends
Josh Baldwin, Molly Skaggs
Song Details
CCLI# 7144628
Written by Benjamin Hastings, Aodhan King, Joshua Grimmett, Karina Wykes, Benjamin Tan
© 2020 Hillsong MP Songs (BMI) (adm. in the US and Canada at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.