Verse 1
So here it is, my alabaster heart
I’m keeping nothing back from who You are
No hidden treasure veiled by key or lock
You’re a lifetime worth of worship
And that’s only just the start
Verse 2
Here it is, my every waking day
The minutes, hours, the years of endless praise
‘Cause You’re worthy far beyond all I could say
There’s a lifetime worth of worship
In the nuance of Your names
Let it rise like incense
My whole life a fragrance
Every ounce here broken at Your feet
Every breath an offering
My heart cries these lungs sing
Over You, my worthy King of Kings
Verse 3
There it is, Your alabaster cross
Giving all You are for all I’m not
I can’t believe that’s the kind of King You are
How could I not bring a lifetime worth of worship to You God
All my love
All my love
All my love
You can have it all
All my heart
All my soul
All I own
You can have it all

Alabaster Heart
Song Details
CCLI# 7133375
Written by Kalley Heiligenthal, Benjamin Hastings
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / SHOUT MP Brio (BMI) (adm. In the US & Canada at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.