Verse 1
This is all hitting on my sense of safety
Tampered with my boundary lines, they’re crossed completely
I am tough, my armor’s up but it’s not working
Lost my sense of innocence I miss it dearly
Be my fence
My safety net
My reinforcing
My reinforcing
Verse 2
Bring me back to the start before the coping
When I believed, I could see, when I was trusting
With Your oil, heal it all unlock the fortress
In my chest do Your best, come retrieve me
Chorus 2
Be my fence
My safety net
My reinforcing
My reinforcing
Be my shield
When all has failed
My sanctuary
My sanctuary
Control is not peace
Control is not peace
It’s not what it seems
Control is not peace

Song Details
CCLI# 7137476
Written by Kalley Heiligenthal, Jason Ingram
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / So Essential Tunes (SESAC) / Fellow Ships Music (SESAC) (admin. at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.