Verse 1
God our Father, Lord of all
Great Creator, You hear my call
God our Healer, God our Strength
Loving kindness is Your embrace
It's who You are (repeat)
Verse 2
Jesus, Friend above all friends
Laid down Your life that I might live
Faithful Shepherd of my soul
Savior, You have made me whole
It's who You are, oh (repeat)
Verse 3
Holy Spirit, Comforter
Your eyes are filled with laughter
You are wisdom, You are life
My every need You supply
It's who You are, oh (repeat)
Whoa, Woah, Woah
H-o-l-y H-o-l-y Lord of all
H-o-l-y H-o-l-y Lord of all
Worthy Worthy Lord of all
Worthy Worthy Lord of all

Who You Are
Bethel Music, Jenn Johnson
Song Details
CCLI# 6227054
Written by Jenn Johnson, Haley Johnson
© 2012 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP). All rights reserved. Used by permission.