Verse 1
We could try to count the stars
You already know them each by name
Every single galaxy
Is Your design In majesty displayed
Your glory shines before our eyes
The more we see, the more we love You
King of wonders, we stand amazed
There's no other, other than You
King of wonders, You know the way to our hearts
And the more we see, the more we love You
Verse 2
You reveal and we respond
You have shown there's no one like YouGod
Your love and mercy welcome us
Into the beauty of this holiness

King of Wonders
Bethel Music, Chris Quilala
Song Details
CCLI# 5272938
Written by Paul Baloche, Steven Curtis Chapman, Stuart Garrard, Israel Houghton, Tim Hughes, Graham Kendrick, Andy Park, Matt Redman, Michael W. Smith, Martin Smith, Chris Tomlin, Darlene Zschech
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