I just want to be close to Your heart
This is where my healing finds it’s start
Here is where I find my peace
Where my soul is finally free
I’m going all in, in over my head
I’m not scared to get drenched in Your love
Wherever You go, God I will follow
I’m not scared to get lost in Your love
I don’t have to see where this road ends
Just as long as my hand’s in Your hand
Here is where I wanna stay
Held within Your sweet embrace
‘Cause Your power’s found in the roughest waters
Where I have no choice but to trust You, Father
Where my every fear has to surrender
I will trust in You forever
Take me there, oh take me there

Lost In Your Love
Brandon Lake, Sarah Reeves
Song Details
CCLI# 7135039
Written by Brandon Lake, Sarah Reeves
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Maverick City Publishing Worldwide (ASCAP) (admin by Heritage Worship Publishing) / Brandon Lake Music (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Curb Congregation Songs / Dreaming In Color Publishing (SESAC) Admin by Curb Congregation Songs. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.