Verse 1
There’s no give and take away
There’s no game I need to play
There’s no waiting for the spring
Your love is evergreen
There’s no key I need to turn
There’s no trick I need to learn
There’s no mark I need to meet
Your love is evergreen
Verse 2
There’s no war I have to fight
There’s no need to be polite
There’s no way I have to be
Your love is evergreen
There’s no hill I need to climb
There’s no flag I need to fly
There’s no song I have to sing
Your love is evergreen
Verse 3
There’s no promise You won’t keep
There’s no distance You won’t reach
There’s no season in between
Your love is evergreen
Cause You don’t give and take away
And You don’t play the games we play
You’re not waiting for the spring
Your love is evergreen

Amanda Lindsey Cook
Song Details
CCLI# 7123013
Written by Amanda Lindsey Cook, Jason Ingram, Paul Mabury
© 2018 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Amanda Lindsey Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / So Essential Tunes (SESAC) / Fellow Ships Music (SESAC) / Flychild Publishing (SESAC) (admin. at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.