I'm standin’ at the edge of a grave
Here lies the empty life that I chased
Where death had lost its hold on me
Your grip of love I could not escape
And I’m walkin’ in a valley of dry bones
Where resurrection power starts to grow
The breath of God now in my lungs
I’ll prophesy, His light has come
I see the light
I see the light
Hope is alive
Hope is alive
And I'm kneelin’ at the foot of the cross
My richest gains I count them all loss
No more let sin and sorrow reign
Through Jesus’ blood I’m forever changed
I see the light
I see the light
Oh hallelujah
Hope is alive
Hope is alive
And how wonderful, how glorious
The story of Your love for us
Oh the majesty, the mystery
The story of Your love for me
How wonderful, how glorious
The story of Your love for us
Oh the majesty, the mystery
The story of Your love for me
Oh hallelujah
I see the light
I see the light
Oh hallelujah
Hope is alive
Hope is alive
Yeah I see the light

I See the Light
Josh Baldwin
Song Details
CCLI# 7204390
Written by Josh Baldwin, Bobby Strand, Matthew Zigenis
© 2022 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Glory Ghost Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Chord Of 3 Publishing (ASCAP) / Capitol CMG Genesis (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) / Zigenis Musics (ASCAP) (adm. by Worship Solutions (c/o Capitol CMG Publishing) / Worship Solutions Publishing (ASCAP) (adm by Capitol CMG Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.