"Tend (Live)" - Listen Now

Breathe/Rest (Spontaneous) (Live)

Bethel Music, Cory Asbury

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All across the room, just take a deep breath in His presence right now

We rest, Father

Nothing to gain, nothing to lose

Nothing to show, nothing to prove

Just our hearts laid bare before You

Like that little boy

With the loaves and the fish

It's not much, but here's our heart, Father

It's not much, but here's our hearts Father

We present them before You in tenderness

Genuine, real devotion

Yeah, it's weak, but it's real

We breathe deep in Your presence this morning

Fully alive in Your eyes

Breathing again in Your smile

Nothing to gain

Nothing to lose

Nothing to prove

Just rest


Oh, my heart is Yours, Father

It always has been

'Cause we're the dream of Your heart

We're the dream of Your heart

And all of my heart, and all of my soul

With all of my strength, Father, and all that I know

I bow before Your feet now

And I give You what You always wanted, my heart

Which You paid for with Your very own blood, our hearts

Just let the music prophesy


And I am a child again

And I am Your child again

Breathe/Rest (Spontaneous) (Live)

Bethel Music, Cory Asbury

Listen Here

Song Details

CCLI# 7150376

Written by Cory Asbury, Nicholas Stailey

© 2018 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Cory Asbury Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Nick Stailey Publishing Designee (BMI) (admin by Bethel Worship Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.