You don’t ask for perfection
So I won’t even bother pretending
I’ve been known from the start
Holding secrets is heavy
So I’ll tell You them all, Lord I’m ready
Here’s my heart, opened up
Honesty, You want honesty
Not just part of me, You want everything
So all of me, I’ll bring You all of me
No more hide and seek, Jesus I’m coming clean
You’re the One I won’t question
When my mind runs a million directions
You’re the friend I can trust
Here I am Lord, surrendered
With my hands lifted high, I’ll remember
That I’m safe with You, God
And there’s no fear in Your love
Honesty, You want honesty
Not just part of me, You want everything
So all of me, I’ll bring You all of me
No more hide and seek, Jesus I’m coming clean
There is nothing in between
You and me, holy are You
Purify and make me clean
Until all of me is holy like You
There is nothing in between
You and me, holy are You
Purify and make me clean
Until all of me is holy like You, Lord
Honesty, You want honesty
Not just part of me, You want everything
So all of me, I’ll bring You all of me
No more hide and seek, Jesus I’m coming clean

Bethel Music
Music Video
Song Details
CCLI# 7199774
Written by John-Paul Gentile, Emmy Rose, Sydney Allen, Mitch Wong, Jenn Johnson, Blake Citro
© 2020 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Heritage Worship Publishing (BMI) / Integrity's Praise! Music (BMI) / A Wong Made Write Publishing (BMI) (adm at / Brian and Jenn Publishing (ASCAP) / Blake Citro Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.