The sky bears for us a dawn and a dusk
As the sun fades another day is gone
This life won’t last long like wind on a stone
I see I’m nothing but just salt and dust
My bones they will break my name it will fade
What remains of a man beyond his days
What time cannot take what dwells in my veins
Only love purest love withstands the grave
Above all that these hands complete Let Your love always be
Be the prize my heart will seek Beyond the day I die
And though these days are numbered young and night takes hold my sight
It’s You my heart will choose to love until the end of time
Jesus Christ it’s for love I give my life
Through my days and through my nights
I choose to love you rightly

To Love You Rightly
Hunter Thompson
Song Details
CCLI# 7031344
Written by Hunter Thompson
© 2014 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP). Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.