Further seems forever
Until you’ve seen, until you get there
Until you feel a promise land beneath your feet
But there’s a reason for the journey
There is purpose in the learning
That not everything in life comes naturally
No, not everything in life comes easily
We’re getting there
We’re determined to discover
All that You have hidden for us
Along the way
We’re getting there
And Your presence is the promise
There is nothing that can stop us
We’re on our way
We’ve tasted of Your goodness
We know that You are for us
We can hear the sound of Heaven cheer us on
Every day begins with mercy
Every moment filled with beauty
Knowing You have gone before us
We press on
Knowing You believe in us
With confidence we run
We will see You in the land of the living
We will find You in the mystery
Your presence is the joy set before us
For now and all eternity
We won’t stop running, running
We won’t stop coming after You

Getting There
Steffany Gretzinger
Song Details
CCLI# 7029064
Written by Steffany Gretzinger, Amanda Lindsey Cook, Maggie Ritchie
© 2014 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.