Verse 1
I'm calling out your name
Won't you come near to me
I've been missing those times we've had
Give me that passion again
And a heart of clay that you can mold
Into into a heart that's pure
Broken for you
Verse 2
Come and kiss me once again
For your love is better than wine
In the secret place I've cried out for you
I am weak but you are strong
So let me see your face oh God
Cause with one glance of your eyes
My heart is broken, Broken for you
Oh I sleep but my heart is awake
It's the voice of the one that I love
He's crying will you open me
My love my perfect one

Broken for You
Brian Johnson
Song Details
CCLI# 4405706
Written by Brian Johnson
© 1996 Bethel Music Publishing. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.v