"Tend (Live)" - Listen Now

Drenched in Love (Live)

Bethel Music, Harvest, Daniel Bashta

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Verse 1

All souls atoned by the blood of the Lamb

I’m not a slave to what once held me damned

How beautiful that cleansing flood

I am washed, I am washed, I am drenched in love


Oh precious is the flow

That makes me white as snow

No other fount I know

I am washed, I am washed

I am drenched in love


Verse 2

All filth made clean in that crimson sea

I’m not ashamed of what once shackled me

How infinite that grace divine

I am free, I am free, I am a child of God


How priceless, how precious

There’s power

In the blood of Jesus

There’s power, power

Wonder working power

In the blood of the Lamb

Verse 3

I was buried deep with Christ my Lord

Now I’m raised to life forevermore

My name’s been carved upon Your heart

No not death, no not hell could ever rip us apart

Drenched in Love (Live)

Bethel Music, Harvest, Daniel Bashta

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Song Details

CCLI# 7055434

Written by Daniel Bashta, Matt Armstrong, Joshua Silverberg

© 2015 Heritage Worship Publishing (ASCAP) / Wordspring Music, LLC (SESAC) (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.) / Eyes Up Songs (SESAC) / Red Red Pop (SESAC) / Capitol CMG Amplifier (SESAC) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.