"Not The End" - Listen Now

Praise Chorus (Live)

Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco, Brian Johnson

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Verse 1

There is a sound that makes the darkness flee

That overwhelms the enemy

There is a song that leads to victory 

It rises up inside of me

It rises up inside of me



Praise the Lord, oh my soul 

All that is within me praise the Lord 


Verse 2

This is my rebel cry against the storm 

In crashing waves, when oceans roar

My anchor holds me and my hope endures

In the face of fear, when the weapons form

I will lift my voice and sing out all the more



I’ll sing it on the mountaintop

I’ll sing it in the valley low

I’ll sing it like I’m waging war     

Against the walls of Jericho

I’ll sing it for the rugged cross

I’ll sing it for the empty grave

I’ll sing it for the One who rose

From death to life will come again



All that is within me praise the Lord

Praise Chorus (Live)

Bethel Music, Kristene DiMarco, Brian Johnson

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Song Details

CCLI# 7246760

Written by Phil Wickham, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, David Funk

© 2023 Simply Global Songs (BMI) / Phil Wickham Music (BMI) / Be Essential Songs (BMI) / Sea Garden Music (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com) / Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Brian and Jenn Publishing (ASCAP) / David Funk (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved.