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Our Mission
To carry the culture of Heaven to the nations through worship and to see the global expansion of God’s Kingdom through His manifest presence.
Who We Are
Bethel Music is a ministry of Bethel Church that facilitates and administrates the creation and exportation of worship songs, events, teachings, resources and technology. Bethel Music consists of four divisions that serve our mission.
Record Label
Our record label exists to carry the culture of Heaven to the world through song. Our label manages the development of songs, production of music, manufacturing of merchandise, creative marketing, and distribution of the products we create.
The purpose of Bethel Music Publishing is to equip the church with worship songs that carry God’s presence and bring Him glory. Our aim is to operate with a high standard of excellence in business organization and effectively manage music licensing and copyright processes, song promotion, royalty collection, and key partnerships around the world.
Our events department exists to bring God glory through authentic worship, to host His presence in cities throughout the world, and to see lives transformed in His presence. Bethel Music worship leaders and musicians travel to host worship events in cities across the globe. Bethel Music administrates the planning, promotion, marketing, and ticketing for these events.
The Buck Logo
“Why The Buck?” The Bethel Music logo has been developed over a lifetime of experiences and passions. It is a representation of prophetic words being realized and a long history of family heritage. This logo embodies the culture & lifestyle of the Bethel Music community. It reminds us that God reveals himself through the things He creates and it points to the pursuit and intimacy in which God is calling us to abide.