Beautiful Surrender
East went looking for west but never found him
Guilt went looking for my past but only found love
I heard about a sea where sin sinks like stones
There’s no floor there just mercy down below
There's so much grace, there's so much grace
I heard about aMan with holes in his hands
He can hide mountains of sin in them
His smile destroyed my religion
His love shakes down my prison
I could run for all my days
But I’d never runaway
There’s no mistake I could make
That could ever make You change
Beautiful Surrender

So Much Grace
Jonathan David Helser
Song Details
CCLI# 7068803
Written by Jonathan David Helser, Ed Cash
© 2016 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Alletrop Music (BMI) (admin. by Music Services). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.