I climb up high above the tree line
‘Cause I want to see Your face
The mountains high and the valleys deep
But You’re waiting there in the clearing
With fire in Your eyes
You wash me clean with clear, bright water
Running down my soul
You clothe me in the oil of laughter
And joy begins to take control
Like fire in Your eyes
Strength, You give me strength
You lift my weary heart, You're the fire in my veins
Strength, You give me strength
You raise me up again, I will never be the same
You, God, never grow tired or faint
You’re never gonna change the way
You love me Jesus
Your love knows no height or depth
It knows no length or width
And it’s changing me (again)
I see You on the cross, I see You in the grave
I see the pain and tears, that You freely gave
I see You standing up, I hear You call my name
I see the fire in Your eyes, I’ll never be the same

Melissa Helser
Song Details
CCLI# 7068804
Written by Melissa Helser, Ed Cash, Molly Skaggs
© 2016 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Molly Skaggs (ASCAP) (Admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Alletrop Music (BMI) (admin. by Music Services). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.