Verse 1
You’re always moving in the unseen
The breath You exhale sustaining me
Before I call, You know my need
You’re always going before me
I’m confident Your faithfulness will see me through
My soul can rest, my righteousness is found in You
With every moment left, in every borrowed breath
Let this be true
That all my heart, for all my life belongs to you
Verse 2
Your laughter scatters my enemies
You give me joy for my mourning
You lift my head, so I can see
All of Heaven surrounding me
I won’t win this battle with the strength of my own hands
You’re the Mountain Mover, and only You can
I won’t build my life on sinking sand
You’re my hope forever, the Rock where I stand

Steffany Gretzinger, Bobby Strand
Song Details
CCLI# 7106796
Written by Bobby Strand, Steffany Gretzinger, Kathy Frizzell, Jeremy Riddle
© 2017 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Steffany Gretzinger Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.