Verse 1
When we were young the road was easy
But time moves on and people change
If we’re not falling, we’re not flying
You can't have love without the pain
When I lose direction
When I can't see the stars
If we get disconnected
I'll sing my way back to Your heart
I’ll sing my way back to Your arms
Verse 2
There’s a garden in the ashes
There is beauty in the mess
If we embrace our imperfections
I know love will do the rest
A million miles, a hundred lifetimes
I'd never find another You
I found a diamond in the desert
Another story wouldn't do

Sing My Way Back
Steffany Gretzinger
Song Details
CCLI# 7106797
Written by Steffany Gretzinger, Bobby Strand
© 2017 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Steffany Gretzinger Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Bobby Strand Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.