Father of Jesus
Bankrupted heaven
You gave Your only Son away
Fully surrendered
What You most treasured
Risking it all to save us
You, and only You
Could know the price You'd have to pay
You, and only You
Would have this much to give away
Father of kindness
Oh how You love us
Oh how we love Your presence
We are Your treasure
The pearl of great promise
You risk it all to save us
You, and only You
Could know the price You'd have to pay
You, and only You
Would have this much to give away
All glory, all honor, all praise to You my Father
All glory, all honor, all praise to You my Father
All glory, all honor, all praise to You my Father
All glory, and all honor, all praise to You my Father
You, and only You
Could know the price You'd have to pay
You, and only You
Would have this much to give away
You, and only You
Could know the price You'd have to pay
Oh You, and only You
Would have this much to give away
You reached into the clay
Pulled a man up to Your face
Knelt in the dust and You kissed us with grace
You covered all the space
And all the distance between me and You
When You ran to meet me on that road
You hung Your arms open wide
Between two thieves You cried
Father forgive them
You gave it all away
I can never understand the price You paid
When You bankrupted heaven to save us
It can’t be measured
It can’t be fathomed
What it was like to give Your beloved away
Oh Father we love You
Father we thank You
Father we worship You tonight
For that sacrifice
Whoa, oh, oh
Just lift your voice in praise
To the Father Who saves (Oh, oh, oh)
All my worship, all my praise (Oh)
All my trust in grace to You now (Oh, oh)
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh (Sing You and only)
For You, and only You
Could know the price You'd have to pay
You, and only You
Would have this much to give away

Father of Jesus (Live)
Jonathan David Helser
Song Details
CCLI# 7190003
Written by Jonathan David Helser, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Quiltmaker Music (ASCAP) / McClures Publishing (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.