You bring light to the shadows
You bring a brightness to all the shadowy places
You’re the One that turns on the lights
It’s Your lovingkindness, it’s Your lovingkindness
Turning on the lights, turning on the lights
Turning on the lights
It’s Your lovingkindness
Turning on the lights, turning on the lights
It’s Your beauty and Your mercy
It’s the blood of Jesus
Healing our minds, turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights, turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights
It’s Your mercy and Your grace
Turning on the lights, turning on the lights
Turning on the lights, turning on the lights
Jesus, hey
You’re turning on the lights, You’re turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights, You’re turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights, You’re turning on the lights
You’re turning on the lights
You're turning on, You're turning on (You're turning on the lights)
You're turning on, You're turning on the lights, hey
You're turning on the lights, You're turning on the lights
You're turning on, You're turning on (You're turning on the lights)
You're turning on the lights, You're turning on the lights
You're turning on the lights, You're turning on the lights
You're turning on the lights, whoo
You're turning on the lights, You're turning on the lights
You're turning on (You're turning on the lights)
Turning on the lights

Turning On the Lights (Spontaneous) (Live)
Song Details
CCLI# 7190009
Written by Melissa Helser
© 2021 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Quiltmaker Music (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.