Verse 1
I will never forget
The moment I met You
The moment You called my name
Pulled me out of the darkness
Gave me a promise
To never thirst again
All that I ever wanted
My heart has found in You
I have tasted life
Nothing satisfies like You do
The Fount that won’t run dry
Nothing satisfies like You do
Verse 2
I want all that You offer
Your living water
Drink from the endless well
I will sit at Your table
Forever grateful
Forever where You dwell
All my fountains are in You
All my hope is built on Your love
All my fountains are in You
With every breath I live for You, Lord

Josh Baldwin
Song Details
CCLI# 7083280
Written by Joe Volk, Tony Brown, Bobby Strand, Jonathan David Helser, Josh Baldwin
© 2016 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Bethel Worship Publishing (BMI) / Tony Brown Music Designee (BMI) (admin by Bethel Worship Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.