You’re too much, too real
I don’t know if I can feel all I need to feel
There’s a revolution in the face of Jesus
There are broken tables at the feet of Jesus
I say peace, peace when I start to feel
I don’t know how to let You heal me
There’s a revolution in the face of Jesus
There are broken tables at the feet of Jesus
From sea to shining sea
Deliver me
I can’t see, can’t look if I’m not sure
If Your blood is enough to cover it
There’s a revolution in the veins of Jesus
A longed-for revival in the face of Jesus
Don’t just wash my feet
Oh wash the whole thing, Jesus
Come Lord
I’m done runnin’
I’m done runnin’
Come Lord
I’m done runnin’
I’m done runnin’
‘Cause there’s a revolution in the veins of Jesus
A longed-for revival in the face of Jesus
From sea to shining sea
Deliver me
Deliver me

Kristene DiMarco
Song Details
CCLI# 7194474
Written by Kristene DiMarco, Gable Price
© 2021 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / KristeneEliza (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Curb Congregation Songs / Wolf Brigade Publishing (SESAC) Admin by Curb Congregation Songs. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.