What do I have but Jesus
I’ve found no one like Him
All the world has loses its appeal
When He stands beside me
The world can keep its praises
All its riches and its treasures
‘Cause there’s nothing like His presence to me
And men may give their favor
All their fleeting awe and honor
But there’s nothing like His presence to me
What do I have but Jesus
Nothing I’ve gained compares
His friendship is all the strength I need
To never grow weary
The world can keep its praises
All its riches and its treasures
‘Cause there’s nothing like His presence to me
And men may give their favor
All their fleeting awe and honor
But there’s nothing like Your presence to me
I bought the field and I keep diggin’ up more treasure
It turns out it’s here in the ground, I could never measure
Is there even a cost if I end up holdin’ heaven
Oh the beauty of livin’ in Your presence
Mmm, oh, mmm, oh, oh, mmm, mmm

The Field
Kristene DiMarco
Song Details
CCLI# 7194504
Written by Kristene DiMarco
© 2021 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / KristeneEliza (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.