What if Jesus is okay with
Letting parts of Him remain a mystery
What if Jesus is just smiling
When I think down here I must know everything
What if my views don’t reflect His fullness
And there’s still so much more of heaven yet to see
What if trusting Him is what He’s looking for
Would that be good enough, good enough for me
What if Jesus sees what I miss
And He does not share all my thoughts on politics
What if His body bridges these chasms
That I have dug out in my own self-righteousness
And what if people I don’t agree with
Are the same ones pouring their perfume on His feet
What if Jesus gets the whole of His reward
Would that be beautiful, beautiful to me
What if Jesus desires mercy
While I’m busy judging others for their deeds
‘Cause if I have His heart and friendship
Then I must know He loves the liars and the thieves
What if I spend life in His vineyard
And at midnight He redeems my enemies
What if trusting Him is what He’s looking for
Would that be good enough, good enough for me
What if Jesus’ wedding table
Holds the people that have hurt and wounded me
What if I’m seated in the middle
While at the head are some who’ve only just believed
Oh what if after all I’ve been through
Everyone gets the same He promised me
What if Jesus alone is the reward
He would be good enough, good enough for me
He’d be more than good enough, good enough for me

What If Jesus
Kristene DiMarco
Song Details
CCLI# 7194473
Written by Kristene DiMarco, Michael Farren
© 2021 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / KristeneEliza (ASCAP) (admin by Bethel Music Publishing) / Curb Congregation Songs / Wolf Brigade Publishing (SESAC) Admin by Curb Congregation Songs. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.