Verse 1
I've never been the one to give what I’ve been given
I held on tight in every moment every minute
But You always gave for me
God You always gave for me
Verse 2
I've never been the one to think I'd ever need it
It was the lie that I was choosing to believe in
But You always wait for me
My God You always wait for me
Pre Chorus
And the moment that I met You
Was at the bottom I held onto
Where I finally found Your truth
That You were always chasing me down
Oh, oh
Now that I see it I can never leave it
Oh, oh
You’re all that I needed
I’m choosing to believe in You
Verse 3
I won't forget the greatest gift that I’ve been given
I see Your hand in every moment, every minute
You were always there with me
My God You’re always there with me
Yeah You were always there with me
My God You're always there with me

Believe in You
The McClures, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
Song Details
CCLI# 7134100
Written by Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, David Leonard
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Integrity’s Alleluia! Music / Hyatt Street Publishing (SESAC) (adm. at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.