Verse 1
When my roadmap fails
And my way feels like the shifting sand
I’ll release the wheel
Take a backseat to Your perfect plan
Lord be my light guiding my direction
Lord be the compass of my soul
My confidence is found when I remember that
You led me this far and
You’ll lead me all the way home
Verse 2
Though the mountain’s high
I won’t cower in the shadowlands
Soon the sun will rise
And I will walk into the promised land
I believe that You
You’re with me even though
I’ve tried to walk alone
So I will follow You
Anywhere You go
I found in You my home
You are my home

The Way Home
The McClures, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure
Song Details
CCLI# 7134104
Written by Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, Josh Baldwin, Ethan Hulse
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / EGH Music Publishing (BMI) / Be Essential Songs (BMI) (admin at All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.