Verse 1
How sweet the sound
That draws us with kindness
How wild the song
That stirs holy passion
A tender hurricane, the voice of God
Verse 2
How fierce the love
That's fighting our battles
How great the power
That crushes our shackles
A tender Hurricane, the voice of God
I can feel your spirit moving now
Like a mighty wind that’s rushing down
Tearing through darkness
Silencing chaos
Your voice is breaking every stronghold
When you speak
These giants in front of me
Come crashing to their knees
What can stand against me

Tender Hurricane
Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, David Leonard
Song Details
CCLI# 7134103
Written by Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, Joel Taylor, Tony Wood
© 2019 Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP) / Wordspring Music, LLC (SESAC) / Tony Wood Songs (SESAC) (Administered by W.B.M. Music Corp). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.