"Tend (Live)" - Listen Now

Great Grace

The McClures, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure

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Verse 1

May I never lose the wonder of

How You crossed the great divide

No greater gift we’ll ever know

That a king would give His life


My great gain through Your great mercy

Heaven’s High King bearing all my shame

I am free through my Savior’s suffering

All my sin conquered by Your great grace

Verse 2

Waves of thunder filled the earth

Salvation rumbling

A violent tearing of the veil

Death has bowed its knee


Now and through eternity

Hallelujah I’m Yours forever


All my sin was conquered by Your great grace

It was your great grace

Great Grace

The McClures, Paul McClure, Hannah McClure

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Song Details

CCLI# 7101340

Written by Paul McClure, Hannah McClure, Tony Wood, Joel Taylor, Brian Johnson

© 2019 Wordspring Music, LLC / Tony Wood Songs (SESAC) (Administered by W.B.M. Music Corp) / Bethel Music Publishing (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.